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Monday, 27. November 2006

Some French theatres

Théâtre in Ambert.

Théâtre in Annonay.

Théâtre de l'Eldorado in Lyon.

Centre Culturel in Villeparisis (near Paris).

Some of the many „lieux de spectacle“ in Paris: Théâtre de Belleville, Théâtre des Gobelins, the foyer of the locomotive repair works turned theatre, Théâtre de Lierre (which means ivy, by the way), Théâtre Mogador, Théâtre de Montparnasse, Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin and a postcard of the former Salle Berlioz, now Théâtre de l'Oeuvre.

Last, and in a certain way least, a special gem of French theatre architecture: the Théâtre of Somain.

PS: Opéra Municipal de Marseille now with an interior view of the Art Nouveau auditorium.

Four theatres in Belgium

The beautiful little Palace Theatre of Chimay.

Kortrijk's Schouwburg.

And two lost theatres of Liège:
Théâtre du Gymnase and Théâtre sur la Batte.

An opera house, a theatre, a concert hall and a cinema in Denmark

First, København's stunning new, privately funded Operaen.

Second, Stadttheater in Hadersleben/Haderslev. Well, a theatre of some sort. Maybe rather a restaurant with entertainment hall. Anyone who knows more about this building is welcome to submit some information.

Third, Musikhuset concert hall in Arhus.

And finally the capital's best-known cinema: Palads Teatret in København.


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